Learning4Change • Courses for Frontline Workers • Violence Prevention Workshops • Violence Prevention Information Sessions • Research
VPA functions through e-learning as well as face-to-face interventions. The multi-pronged advocacy strategy opens the e-learning platform to all stakeholders to provide online violence prevention awareness-raising and training across South Africa, regionally and internationally. Downable material will be accessible to further build the capacity of civil society particularly community-based organisations, faith-based organisations and emerging structures as well as government agencies, mental health practitioners and community leaders.
Courses for Frontline Workers
We offer frontline workers (such as social workers, educators, health practitioners, police officers, community workers) capacity building via the e-learning platform on violence prevention topics. We partner with our peers in civil society, business and government providing a space for them to use our e-learning platform to facilitate their own capacity building training material. We believe that partnering enables greater access to violence prevention strategies and a wider scope of knowledge and skills when together with our training, partners bring further capacity, the frontline workers benefit to a greater extent. We, also provide contact capacity building in partnership with civil society in communities. We use our own training courses which in some cases are accredited by certain professional councils. We offer contact learning by facilitating our violence prevention in communities. Stakeholders are able to partner with us to host capacity building in their communities.
Topics covered in training offered by Violence Prevention Agency:
- Understanding the contested nature of violence
- Violence prevention, definitions and strategies
- Contextualising violence locally, regionally and globally
- Trauma as a consequence of violence
- Violence and trauma: Impacting learning
- Childhood trauma
- Addressing trauma in the workplace
- Debriefing and mentoring frontline workers
- Training Trauma Support Workers
- Traumatic bereavement
- Facing the prospect of dying
- Mentoring leadership
- Gender-based violence, hate crimes, organised crime, torture, crimes against humanity
- Violence and trauma within the psychosocial disability sector
We target the ECD centres, schools, TVET colleges, universities, faith-based organisations, community-based organisations, workplace, safety and security, social development, justice and health sector. The training courses are facilitated over 25 hours and tailored to suit the participants in terms of availability.
Violence Prevention Workshops
We offer workshops for stakeholders and beneficiaries on violence prevention. The focus is the provision of skills for advocacy and awareness-raising regarding violence prevention. It is open to persons and organisations from all walks of life. Topics include:
- Public participatory processes: How to facilitate and participate
- Public participatory processes: How to present an oral submission and write a submission
- Shadow reporting to local and global mechanisms
- Tools for Lobbying
- Action research: Supporting community-based organisations to conduct research
- Strengthening community-based organisations
- Developing safety policies from a mental health perspective
- Profiling violence in your community to inform a violence prevention strategy for your organisation
- Conducting People’s Commission of Inquiries for violence prevention
Violence Prevention Sessions
Information sessions on violence prevention and peacebuilding:
- Physical and mental health safety at learning institutions, workplaces and other areas of interest
- Key legislation to address violence
- Referral processes
- Gender-based violence
- Organised crime
- Community reparation and restitution
- Complaint mechanisms
- People with psychosocial disabilities
- Policy briefs
Developing research articles and reports on violence prevention and peacebuilding.